Sunday, April 09, 2006

May May going for a walk on a rainy day

This is a video I took of May May, she is in her yellow rain coat and just enjoying being outside. I don't know if on this blog you can play video but his is a short video. I have a new camera and still not certain on how to use everything yet. I lost or had stolen a small bag I kept my digital camera, my regular camera and my prescription sunglasses in and it can't be found anywhere. Being outside in the nicer weather I found I could not be without my digital camera. This time I got a nice strong carrying case to hang around my neck so hopefully nothing drastic will happen again. I was just going to start taking black and white photos with the other one but now that is out. I found that in the winter I couldn't take many pictures, it was cold and May May was usually on my lap everything was just awkward. Hopefully I will stay resonable well and get lots of pictures taken this spring. Posted by Picasa

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