Sunday, January 29, 2006

May May wants a doughnut

Poor May May is watching me eat a doughnut, she is pleading with her eyes for one but it is a chocolate dipped donut and I really shouldn't give her one, besides she already had a treat and will get another one at the drug store, no wonder she is getting a bit "fluffy"! Yesterday when we were out was like a beautiful spring day and today was freezing cold. Good thing I put on her heavy coat and her hat. I love this little hat on her. Posted by Picasa
One of the squirrels up at Parliament Hill. Must adjust the light I guess. The squirrels there are so friendly the guy that looks after the cats puts a peanut in his ear and the squirrels come and take it out. Posted by Picasa
This is May May waiting for Spring to come. She just lies there with a far away look on her face thinking about the park and all her dog friends she doesn't see anymore. Poor May May. Posted by Picasa