Saturday, March 31, 2007


Now this is how a friendship works. Seen these two girls across the street from me playing, they only had one pair of skate blades so they shared! Each of them wore one skate and played that way. Hope they keep this friendship for a long time and now May May is included in it. Have fun girls!

Friday, March 30, 2007

These two boys were selling these bags on Bank Street today. I believe it was the boy on the right who did the art work for it. Even though I needed another bag like a hole in the head and I could afford it even less I bought one for $10 from them. They will be donating the profits from the sales to the Institute of Environmental Science at Carleton University and will be planting a tree at Greenbank Middle School if they have extra money. If you think you would like one of these bags which are very well made you can call 613-828-8975. Tell them May May sent you.

Close up of the "Earth Friendly Bag" which I purchased today. One of the students designed the drawing. Out of the devil it says: "Come on, man. FLOOD EM!!! They're using all of your natural resources! FLOOD EM!!!" Out of the angel it says: "NO! DON"T listen to him!! They deserve another chance!"

These two girls were just standing on the Sparks Street Mall enjoying the sunshine and their cigarette break when May May marched over and demanded a pet. She has been doing that the last couple of days and gets really upset when people don't understand what she wants. Every one is so good to her though.

Finally getting caught up on all my pictures since I couldn't get the blog to work and from when I wasn't feeling well. May May is looking good as a witch for Halloween. When we went trick or treating with Sindy around the neighbourhood I had put a small flashing pumpkin on her black hat, she looked so adorable!

Ah May May looks so shy in her costume, but it suits her so well.

May May was a witch with orange hair last Halloween. Doesn't that colour suit her?

A better view of the locks where the ducks were sitting.

Ducks at the locks at the Chateau Laurier, this too was taken during the warm spell at Christmas.

This is Anne who rents out the luxury furnished apartments on Sparks Street. May May and I stop and chat with her every few days especially when its cold and we nip in to get warm. She used to work in Manhatten and said she has met Brad Pitt and Angelina! Must be kinda dull in Ottawa compared to Manhatten. The cheapest apartment there rents for $1,750 and its really tiny. Much prefer my cheapo digs.

I had put my light on the bed to look at something closely and then went out to the kitchen, Maggie took this opportunity to begin her suntanning session. She looked so darn comfortable that I left it there until she felt she was finished.

I took this picture during one of those extremely mild days right after Christmas. The birds looked so peaceful up there and I was about to take another picture when a bunch of boys came along and scared them off. Kids!!!!!!!!!!!

Thursday, March 15, 2007

May May is getting a chiropractic treatment from Dr. Dan. Her hip has been bothering her quite a bit, she has fallen a few times off of the wheelchair and her gait has been very slow. After the treatment we walked up to Tim Horton's and she was moving at a great clip, for weeks now I have been telling her to hurry up and stop being a slow poke. Dr. Dan does great work on humans and animals, I will miss him dearly when he retires. The nice young man in the picture is the chiropractor who will probably be taking over the practice. He is from Kirkland Lake well actually Swastika so he can't help but be nice. Lot of memories in Swastika, took the train from there every two years to go to Toronto to have surgery, so some of the memories are painful. I remember when I was 14 they did five surgeries at once and I was in a body cast from just below my breasts covering both my hips and then completely down one leg to the tip of my toe. When I came home from that surgery they had to hold me upright and my poor body was just used to laying down. All the blood would rush to my head, the cast would slip down and put extreme pressure on my body, and I was afraid that they would drop me. Not nice. But other good memories of Swastika were at the dance hall at Culver Park we would go there as teenagers and have a great time. Hope it is warmer tomorrow so I can take May May for a long walk.