Monday, January 15, 2007

May May gives her Nana a kiss. We stop and talk to this panhandler everyday and May May has to get a kiss from her.

May May and her friend Callie. Callie drives May May crazy by always licking in her ears. She goes non stop and never breaks. May May gets frantic after awhile so I will hold Callie and then she does it to me. Yuck.

This is Sparky in his new coat, his mom Julie and May May.

This is Sparky, May May's friend modelling the winter coat I made for her. His eyes were closed and its hard to make out his face, just the grey hairs on his snout show up from all the black.

This was taken on Boxing day and it was such a balmy day, the birds were just resting in the trees and they looked so peaceful. They were enjoying the spring weather as well.

Snow finally came to Ottawa! The other day we got a sprinkling but today we got a real dumping. It was the wierdest winter I have experienced it was like spring for Christmas. We always see this little girl and her brother in the park and she was trying very hard to tell May May that she had to wear boots when it was cold and snowing out, but May May just sat there with that look on her face.

Wednesday, January 10, 2007

This is May May just before Christmas with the girl from CBC. Moira is a great animal lover, has two dogs of her own and takes in strays or endangered dogs and finds them new homes. May May loves to see her.