Monday, August 29, 2005

This is a nice dog we met at the park named Can Con.  Posted by Picasa

Jean, May May and Cokette Posted by Picasa

This is Moira from the CBC, she has taken a special interest in May May. We go to the Sparks Street Mall everyday to lend our support to the strikers, hope they get back to work soon. Moira has just started a small dog rescue out of her home. Good luck Moira. Posted by Picasa

While coming back from Zellers yesterday, I seen this group playing Beatle songs, they were very good. They are a group from Quebec and apparently this was the first time that they played in Ontario.  Posted by Picasa

Back view of the Rolling Stones 8 story high stage, while taking the picture we could see a man leading a bomb sniffing dog up and down it. I hear it was a great concert. Posted by Picasa

Tuesday, August 16, 2005

As I was folding my laundry and putting it on the couch, May May decided to use a pile of my underwear for a cushion.  Posted by Picasa

This is a bus that was parked across from the park, must go to the website mentioned to see what it is all about.  Posted by Picasa

New stones were being put down in Confederation Park and of course May May had to investigate. Never know when a worker might leave a sandwich laying around. Posted by Picasa

This is May May's friend Snoopy. he lives across the street from us. Posted by Picasa

Another lovely picture of Cokette at the park. Posted by Picasa

Thursday, August 11, 2005

This is a close of the cute little dog that stopped to chat. Posted by Picasa

This lady andher dog stopped to chat with May May and Cokette Posted by Picasa

This picture was taken a few days ago, I forget this dog's name but he sure is a sweetie. Posted by Picasa

Saturday, August 06, 2005

A baby rabbit crossing the road. Posted by Picasa

Some animal in the brush, Jeanne thinks its a baby beaver, but I don't know what it is. It did seem to have a bigger tail. Posted by Picasa

May May just resting. Posted by Picasa

Cokette just resting. Posted by Picasa

May May amidst a bunch of motorcycles. She wishes she could ride on one of those because then the wind would really blow through her fur. My wheelchair is a motor cycle wannabe. Posted by Picasa

This was an extremely hot day and May May wouldn't take a drink so I doused her in water. She wasn't very happy with me. Posted by Picasa

This is the Mamma Mia trailer parked behind the National Arts Center, this will be the closest I will get to seeing it. Its all sold out. Posted by Picasa

One of the boats docked on the canal. Posted by Picasa

This is the alley underneath Wellington Street. It was originally called Entrance Alley but was changed to Bytown Alley to celebrate the city turning 150 years old. If you go straight ahead you will be down by the locks. Posted by Picasa

Here is a University of Ottawa student who got a neat job for the summer. He works at the locks on the Rideau Canal. Always so nice to go down there to see the boats being moved by the locks. Posted by Picasa

Look at how pretty Cokette looks after she had a bath.  Posted by Picasa

Wednesday, August 03, 2005

Here are two kids in a car that is probably better than most adults. It has many extras like a horn, a cup holder and a radio. I stopped them for a secuity check earlier they were a bit crowed, they had a third kid shoved in the back. I gave them a warning and sent them on their way. Posted by Picasa