Saturday, October 10, 2009

Well I finally got my blog updated! I had the summer from hell and didn't get much done. I hope I never get that sick again. In July I had fallen and hurt my hip really badly and it just started to be better when in August I got a terrible bladder infection and a kidney stone was trying to pass at the same time. I finally ended up in emergency surgery to have a stent put in but the infection just didn't want to clear up. Finally I went into day surgery to have the stent removed and picked up a bug in the hospital and was horribly sick again. Finally it seems to be all over and my energy is back up and I am back to art group again and am sewing up a storm. May May is certainly pleased that I am better as she missed a few walks during that time. Chance and Maggie are pleased as well as I certainly wasn't paying them enough attention as far as they were concerned. Now it is a beautiful fall day and I am headed down to Westboro for the afternoon. Pictures to follow!

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