Visit with May May as she travels around in downtown Ottawa, meet all her friends both human and canine. Follow the antics of Maggie and Chance as they play at home.
Sunday, October 25, 2009
This lady is such an animal lover. Here she is with the pigeons on Bank Street where she feeds them everyday but these pigeons don't get old stale bread she pops into the coffe shop to buy them treats. Today it is lemon poppy bread! Look how tame those birds are with her. It is amazing to watch when she comes out of the coffee shop, not a bird in sight and then all of a sudden they all come and follow her until she stops. She had bought May May a wonder red coat a couple of years ago and she still looks lovely in it. Thanks for being so good to the animals!
My chiropractor had asked me to do a testimonial for him and then he had sent me to have my picture professionally taken. While I was there she had taken 4 or 5 of me and then asked me to pick May May up and have our pictures taken together. I didn't get to see them because she is still taking film pictures, wow I was surprised. Of course I have forgotten their names already but the photographer is holding May May and that is her friend with her. Can't wait to see the pictures.
May May and I were heading up Somerset Street and right outside one of the bigger Chinese restaurants we saw this beautiful woman in this wonderful dress. She had just gotten married and was off to her reception. I asked her where her husband was and he was parking the car. Good work, train him early! Good luck in your married life.
Well Wayne, May May and I had a chance to go for a walk again! We hadn't seen each other all summer and it was nice to catch up. It was very chilly that day and we both can't take the cold anymore so we stopped in somewhere to warm up and I took their picture. Think I will send it to the police! Wayne wouldn't smile and May May has the expression of "Oops, we got caught!" on her.
Friday, October 16, 2009
Monday, October 12, 2009
Saturday, October 10, 2009
Well I finally got my blog updated! I had the summer from hell and didn't get much done. I hope I never get that sick again. In July I had fallen and hurt my hip really badly and it just started to be better when in August I got a terrible bladder infection and a kidney stone was trying to pass at the same time. I finally ended up in emergency surgery to have a stent put in but the infection just didn't want to clear up. Finally I went into day surgery to have the stent removed and picked up a bug in the hospital and was horribly sick again. Finally it seems to be all over and my energy is back up and I am back to art group again and am sewing up a storm. May May is certainly pleased that I am better as she missed a few walks during that time. Chance and Maggie are pleased as well as I certainly wasn't paying them enough attention as far as they were concerned. Now it is a beautiful fall day and I am headed down to Westboro for the afternoon. Pictures to follow!
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