Look at the sweetheart we met today on the Sparks Street Mall. What a happy baby! His dad was getting him to walk down the mall but he was ever so slow. After he talked to May May for a bit I led May May ahead for Kiernan to catch up. He looked awfully wobbly but was amazingly steady on his feet. The whole time he was chasing May May he would be giggling and blubbering entertaining the whole mall. I told his dad we should have a bucket to accept donations because we would have made a bundle everyone enjoyed him so much. I am sure he has the same mandate as May May and me - see how many smiles you can make on people in a day. If we charged a quarter for every smile we would be very rich. Kiernan tell you dad to leave me a note in the comment section next time you go to the mall and May May will meet you there. He reminds me so much of Alexander at that age. Take care sweety.
Kieran and I really enjoyed meeting you and May May today. You were a life-saver. It would have taken me hours to get K across Sparks Street without May May's assistance. My wife really likes the picture.
I will definitely let you know the next time we will be on Sparks.
Thank you for posting the picture so quickly.
Chris, Ale and Kieran
Oh what a cutie :). You always meet such lovely people Joanne. May May must attract them.
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