Wednesday, November 21, 2012

May MAY met this gentlemen downtown and just had to give him a big kiss.
Here is Chance watching the acquarium channel checking out the back side wondering where the hell the fish are swimming off to.
Here is Tyrone and Kirk from Coronation Street, they just happened to be walking down Bank Street today.  They are in to wn on a tour to promote the show.  I have been watching Coronation Street since 1968 so this was a wonder experience for me.

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Well lots more blogging to do but can only do a bit at a time.  May May is not feeling well, she threw up all over the bed this morning and she has started to have seizures.  We spend a lot of time just hugging and me doing whatever I can to keep her comfortable. We were housebound today the battery charger for my chair died so we will be out for a bit again tomorrow. 
Pretty Sindy at the Museum of Nature.  Alexander joined us to tour the museum but somhow I didn't get a picture of him, wonder how I missed that.
Stained glass work at the museum and one of the works on display.
The o-town bombers at work.  They finished their big project of yarn bombing a para transpo bus and are now converting the crocheted squares into blankets.   Lots of had work put into the project.  Good work girls!
This is Ike the technician who came over to fix my oxygen and it turns out he lives just down the street from me.  I gave him a short history of the area and I hope he gets out to explore.
May May thinks this character representing some phone company is really weird and just wants to get away from him.
A set of knitted crutches that was on display at city hall.
Still using the afghan that Fran made for me in the 70's.
Here are a group of English lads doing a medley of the Beatles.  Hope you enjoy this Alexander!
This photo is from Canada Day when May May met up with Chloe and they had a bit of a lovefest. 
Well I have not been able to update my blog for some time as my computer had fallen on the floor a few times usually from the help of Maggie.  My friend Jeanne reached out to her friends and funds were collected to purchase a new comptuer for me.  Notice it is now on a secure table with anti slip material underneath it to prevent it from falling again.  Many thnaks to the prayer angels for providing me with this lovely new computer!