Visit with May May as she travels around in downtown Ottawa, meet all her friends both human and canine. Follow the antics of Maggie and Chance as they play at home.
Sunday, May 24, 2009
This is a wee, tiny baby black squirrel that Lisa rescued last night. I was already in bed when I got a call from her to come over and babysit while she went up to the store. She had called Wildlife Animal Rescue and was jus waiting for them to arrive. It was so tiny and so tired and just wanted to curl up in our warmth and sleep. I just hope he is ok and can survive without his mom.
Wednesday, May 13, 2009
I came across an old monopoly set from the fifties that was made of wood, thought I would check ebay to see if it was worth anything but it wasn't so I finally decided to make a necklace out of the pieces. I had a little help from my friends, Jeanne drilled the holes, I beaded it and Anne Marie put the clasp on it. I just love it!
This is one of the artists from China town remix that was writing sayings on the sidewalks. China town remix was a great event where they are displaying work by different artists in many of the restaurants in China town. On the opening Sat the artists were on hand to meet with the public. It was unfortunate that my camera was out of battery power and this is the only picture that I got.
Saturday, May 02, 2009
This is Hayden and his mom, we meet on the bus coming back from Lincoln Fields.They were out shopping for a new hockey stick for his dad but I noticed they had some other goodies in a bag so I bet Hayden and his brother and sister got some treats when they got home. He has a charming personality to match his wonderful smile. He reminds me so much of Alexander at that age. Have fun Hayden!
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