Thursday, July 31, 2008

This is becoming the most popular seat in the house! I guess the open umbrella makes a cozy hideaway for them.

Jack Layton was on the mall to introduce the NDP candidate from Guelph.
We met this dance troupe in the park and had seen them perform the day earlier when we were visiting the artisans under the Rideau St. bridge.

Here we are at the concert under the bridge, as you can see there was quite a crowd that came to watch.
May May and I were going to listen to the music under the bridge and this young lady offered to escort us and she brought us through the arts centre for an easier ride. Here May May is on the red carpet wondering if this is Hollywood!

A bunch of new friends for May May. She loved getting pets from all of them.

There was a jazz band on the mall and I loved this instrument, an old washboard!

This is Frank one of May May's friends. He is going to show his dogs at home this picture so that they can finally meet May May. Thanks Frank.

This is part of the new arts and crafts under the Rideau Street Bridge at the Rideau Centre. These girls were just sitting there making some jewelery and May May just walked in to the centre of the blanket, sat herself down and almost demanded a pet. This little diva knows what she wants! She was checking out the jewelery but decided none of them suited her this particular day, maybe next time.

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

That's it for the updating right now. I went to bed at nine and fell asleep and woke up about 12 and have been doing this ever since. It's now 3:35 and I am going back to bed with my book. I know I have missed some photos and I will try to find them and post them. Daryll (sp?) the picture of you and the manikin was actually on video so I have to figure how to cut it just to get the picture. Will post it when I figure it out. Joanne

This is my new PCW, Carolyn, May May is telling her all about never getting enough hugs and kisses so Carolyn is obliging. She is so good with the animals. Have a good vacation Carolyn!

Here Maggie is sitting on my chair after I came in from the rain. I suppose she thought it would rain inside as well so took cover under the umbrella.
Some nice shots taken while at Strathcona Park last week.

Well this is a new street person that we hadn't seen before, I wonder if he normally hangs out in the market area. I asked him why he was all dressed up but he says he always dresses that way. Very colourful!

A picture of purses and cards that I made for my daughter. If anyone is interested in purchasing one of my bags they are on sale at Obsession Shoes on Bank Street.

Anna is painting at her playgroup at the community centre. I take her when her dad can't because her mom is kinda busy with the new baby.

This is a young tour guide that me met on Sparks Street mall. What a great job for such a young person. I think he should take May May and me on one of his tours!

This is the young guy at CBC who tried on the other hat I was deciding on to buy for my grandson Alexander. He loved the blue one and said I had very good taste, of course I took all the credit when it really was this young man who decided for me.

Look Mom I got a new friend. Can I play with her? Please Mom! Please, please please!!!
May May with some of her newest best friends on Canada Day.

One of our officers on duty on Canada Day. May May you are really safe there!

Everyone in their red and white on Canada Day. Love the hats girls!

May May and me (Joanne) on Canada Day.

Wayne and May May on Canada Day. May May is always so patriotic!

My little friend Anna is now a big sister. This is her new little sister Annika Francin. She looks just like Anna. A beautiful baby!
This was a group of kids from Newfoundland who were going to perform on Capital Hill. May May is waiting patiently for the girls to share.

A beautiful dog we met downtown.
May May and her Nanna on Bank Street

The lawyer for the defence in the terrorist trial here in Ottawa.

Sunday, July 06, 2008

This isDenim who we met at the dog park on Elgin Street. What a pretty little girl!

Two girls at the dog park on Elgin Street.