Visit with May May as she travels around in downtown Ottawa, meet all her friends both human and canine. Follow the antics of Maggie and Chance as they play at home.
Sunday, November 30, 2008

May May with all her treats she got along with some for me. Everyone was so good to us during her accident. I also had a garage sale to pay off the vet bill and now everything is ok. She almost needed another sugery, she had a bump on her knee that she wouldn't leave alone and surgery was scheduled however the vet landed in the hospital on the day of the surgery. When he was well enough to do the operation her knee had healed up and thre was no longer any need for it. Did you hear that big "PHEW!!!" from May May?

After almost healing from her surgery May May required a second one. Unfortunately the vet had missed something and had to go in and fix it. This time she had ten stitches and needed to be on anti biotics but he also cleaned her teeth while she was under. However it is now December and she is back to normal, everything is healed and the only side effect is that she is a bit afraid of bigger dogs. She is now a chocolate thief! One of the cats had knocked my box of chocolates on the floor and May May grabbed a couple. I looked at her on the couch and couldn't figure out what this pretty paper was and what was caught up in her fur. She denies having any chocolate however it took me quite some time to remove the chocolate and caramel from her fur. She also won't tell which cat gave her the chocolate! So glad she is better!
Friday, September 26, 2008
Tuesday, September 02, 2008

May May is back to doing what she does best. Making people smile! These very stylish children stopped to pet May May and have a little talk while we were on the Sparks Street Mall. We are back doing our regular walk and our regular visit to the park and May May is right back to being normal. Now Mom just has to relax and get over the horrible shock that she had. Thanks to everyone who stopped to wish May May well and also to let me talk about it with them. See you all around soon!

May May at St. Paul's University on Sunday her first outing since the terrible incident. My neighbour kindly offered to drive us over there so we would be away from traffic and other distractions until I would know how May May would react. She was wonderful and was so glad to be able to get outside and walk again. Shortly after we got there a larger black dog came bouncing over to play and I stood frozen waiting for May May's reaction but she just bounced over to him and played with him, what a trouper she is.

This is little Sidney from downstairs, he and his mom brought May May and I to the park. Poor little Sidney has a behavioural problem in that he just won't stop barking. When he is on the balcony he will bark at every dog that goes by. His poor mom has tried everything possible and now he is wearing the citronella collar to deter him however when she takes it off he goes absolutely nuts and barks even more as if to make up for what he couldn't do. Anyone know a good doggie shrink?
Saturday, August 30, 2008
Well it was such a sad day on Thursday for May May. She got attacked by a German Shepard. She was savagely shaken and I thought I had lost her for sure. We were coming home and heading down Bank Street, when I crossed the road I noticed a group of kids and the dog, I moved to the right closer to the road and took a stronger hold on May May's leash, May May looked as though she were going to go over and see the dog but I took a stronger hold but it was too late the shepard already had her. I just remember screaming and holding my hands to my mouth while it was happening and I have no idea how she got loose from his jaws. When I finally had her secure in my lap I was taking her collar off so it wouldn't hurt her injuries any further. One of the lads was very kind and helped me. I hollered to get his name and address but someone said he had no address he was homeless, another one said he was new here he had never seen him before. I heard the owner of the dog say he hadn't seen my dog. Once I had May May comfortable I took my camera out to get a picture of the dog and the guy but as soon as he seen the camera he ran off around the corner. I booted it down Bank Street to get to the vet in the glebe, that was the longest ride I ever took. I was so upset and worried about May May and then memories and feelings kept rushing back about when my daughter was four and had been attacked by a doberman pinscher and almost died. I was sure I would never make it to the vets office. They are so good there, as soon as they seen May May they got the vet and got May May inside. The vet tried to shave off some fur from May May's neck to see the extent of her injuries but even that hurt her so bad so he stopped. She had to go into surgery. I placed her in the cage that they have there and it hurt so bad to leave her there but I knew it had to be done. I raced home so that I could call the police and they referred me to the by law enforcement office. When I got the young lady on the phone she said someone was going to take a ride down Bank immediately to see if they could spot the dog and against all odds they did. They gave him a $600 fine and a muzzle order. As if that is going to do any good. He won't pay the fine and he won't get the muzzle. He says he is from Toronto just in town for a few days but I find that hard to believe because his parents live in Gatineau and that is where the notice of the fine will be sent. It is getting terrible downtown especially on Bank St. The homeless and the druggies rule the streets as to where it is not safe for us to walk anymore. I e-mailed the chief of police and asked him for a meeting where I could sit down with him and he could explain to me why the streets are not safe for us anymore. I doubt if I will ever hear anything. Today, Sat. I went down to the market and met Larry O'brien the Mayor of our fine city and told him what happened. He told me that there was not much that they could do with the laws being what they are. Well in that case why aren't the laws being changed? I suggested if the police were around more that they could put subtle pressure on these people and he said, not so subtle pressure as well. It looks like they are cleaning up the market area only to have them move over to Bank St. Anyway he said he will look into it but I doubt very much if anything will be done by either one of these officials. I don't know why these homeless people are allowed to have animals, if they can't feed themselves how can they be expected to feed the dogs. It is not fair to the dogs. They have to get big vicious dogs to try to prove to the world that they are big guys. Well news flash, it just proves you are little jerks ! Please, please, please clean up the streets for the children, the animals and everyone. Well I have to go and rest now, this has taken a huge emotional toll on me. If I should hear from either the Mayor or the Chief of Police I will report back here. May May is doing much better, she is healing quickly and she is getting back to her diva attitude. As soon as her wound heals I will be taking her out again, I won't keep her prisoner in the house, she lives for her daily walks to go and see all the people downtown. Thanks for all the kisses and hugs you are sending her. They are working.

Sunday, August 24, 2008
This young lady came from the states to go to Upper Canada Village to attend a camp there. She wore the old fashioned clothes and did chores like they did back then, one of the chores was slopping out the pigs. I am sure she fully appreciates modern living after that. In her hands is a beautiful stuffed mouse, she is Angelina the ballerina.

Well I finally did it, these pictures were stuck in my new camera as a video and I couldn't get it out as just a picture. The only trouble is - I don't really know what I did so hopefully I can do it again. Anyways this is May May watching Darrell in absolute confusion. Darrell went into his closet and came out with this lady friend - who knew!!
Thursday, July 31, 2008
This is part of the new arts and crafts under the Rideau Street Bridge at the Rideau Centre. These girls were just sitting there making some jewelery and May May just walked in to the centre of the blanket, sat herself down and almost demanded a pet. This little diva knows what she wants! She was checking out the jewelery but decided none of them suited her this particular day, maybe next time.
Tuesday, July 22, 2008
That's it for the updating right now. I went to bed at nine and fell asleep and woke up about 12 and have been doing this ever since. It's now 3:35 and I am going back to bed with my book. I know I have missed some photos and I will try to find them and post them. Daryll (sp?) the picture of you and the manikin was actually on video so I have to figure how to cut it just to get the picture. Will post it when I figure it out. Joanne
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