Visit with May May as she travels around in downtown Ottawa, meet all her friends both human and canine. Follow the antics of Maggie and Chance as they play at home.
Thursday, August 16, 2007
I took this shot of the bagpipe players at the celebration for the vets.
This girl was taking a picture of the jeep as well. She does like I do, with most every picture I take I have May May in the shot. With her it is the little white doll that she is holding near May May. I would love to see where her doll gets to!
Sunday, August 12, 2007
This cute little girl stopped to pet MayMay. It is unfortunate that the top of her hair is cropped off as it was the thickest most curliest hair I have seen in a long. She is a sweetie.
Saturday, August 11, 2007
This is Heather, the lady from next door holding Maggie. I think she really has her hands full with two little ones, but they are just adorable.
Here is May May checking out Rigby, she is not quite sure what to make of him. Her nose was a bit out of joint this morning and needed some extra attention after they left.
Here is Maggie the cat checking her bed where Maggie the dog peed. She peed all over the bed, all over her brother and all over her self. After inspecting the damage she went over to the neigbour who was holding Maggie the dog and asked: "Is this the one that peed in my bed?" "Is this the one?" "Give her to me!" I shooed her away and the puppy was never in any danger.
here are the two cuties from next door. They are little poodles and are seven weeks old. The white one is Maggie and the black one is her brother Rigby.
Linda being all excited holding the tiny little puppy from next door.
These two wonderful dogs were at the groomers when I took May May. The cute little guy on the left is patiently waiting his grooming and the handsome one below is Oscar, he belongs to the groomer. They were both very well behaved.
May May getting a pedicure at "The Groomer" which opened not too long ago on Bank Street. As you can see May May is not too pleased with the situation but I am pleased with the trim, she was tearing my upper body to shreds when I picked her up. Thanks for the great job.
Friday, August 10, 2007
Linda, my pcw minding May May while I go into the art store. Some jobs are just so hard! I don't know what I would do without this girl.
The raging grannys! They are protesting the SPP which "harmonizes" Canada's regulations with those of the U.S. and Mexico. To have more information of this go to
This was a painting done in chalk on the pavement during the busker festival. It is just absolutely beautiful its a shame that it will be washed away with the rain.
I always feel so peaceful when I see a duck glide through the water, they are so graceful.
One of Paul's Boat line cruises. On the way back from the dr's on Main Street a very small part of the path was closed off and the conservation police were there, at least I think they are called police they wear bullet proof vests. I couldn't see anything happening and they just seemed to be standing around waiting.
Monday, August 06, 2007
This is Cocoa, another dog in the park.
A beautiul Mic Mac Indian in traditional clothes with May May and me.
May May and a Mic Mac Indian, what beautiful traditional clothes and face paint!
A Mic Mac Indian from Nova Scotia.
Showing the feathers at the back of the traditional outfit.
This lady dressed as a clown was doing face paintings and caricatures at the Busker Festival.
These were the gymnasts that were at the Busker Festival, they were very good. There was also some break dancers from the Bronx, New York who were very good. It was fun to watch them.
These young girls were watching May May for me so I could watch what was happening at the Busker's festival. May May would get frightend when they would clap loud so I eventually had to pick her up.
Wednesday, August 01, 2007
This is one of the guides of the Haunted Walk. The other night when we were up on the mall May May was just standing in front of the booth as if she wanted to buy a ticket to take the tour, so she got her picture taken but no tour. I just love the black capes they wear.
This is Mike who plays ball on the mall in the evenings, he is from the magazine store. When we come around he always comes over to see May May. We will have to get down there one night this week for May May to see him again.
This older gentleman was taking a rest on a bench on Bank Street. I had to chuckle when I seen the price tag on his hat! He is the male version of Minnie Pearl.
These two girls were up from Toronto and stopped to admire May May on the mall, they really liked her hat. They have a chihuahua at home but their dad wouldn't let them bring her. Nice meeting you girls hope you had a good ride home.
This is Penny from the park, she has one brown eye and one white eye. Little Miss Penny has been a busy girl and now she is pregnant she is due pretty soon and will let you know how many puppies she has. I told her not to go out on the town anymore on Sat. night.