Sunday, July 29, 2007

When I was at Walmart I picked up this crinkle bag for Maggie to play with. I decided to put it out on the balcony with a bit of catnip on it and look at her attack it. She decided however that there just wasn't enough catnip.

Maggie decides that she will get some more catnip on her own. Snapping open the lid was a breeze for her, it was my mistake to leave the container on the floor.

See mom, this is how much I want.

Well here she is playing in what she thinks is the appropriate amount of catnip. What a girl!

May May is trying to figure out what the heck is going on. She can't figure Maggie out when she has the catnip out.

Went out for a bit on Friday night and this group was singing on Sparks Street Mall, they were very good but I could only manage to stay for two songs as it was so humid out.

What a handsome dog!

Cokette borrowed May May's hat just to see how she looked. What a doll! I was suprised that she kept it on for quite some time.

This little girl was across the mall and was going crazy over May May so I went over to see her. Once we were there she got very shy and preferred to just look at May May and not get any closer. They were from Germany.

Was talking to Wayne one lunch hour and these girls were sitting there and one was having a sandwich that looked pretty good to May May. The girl offered her a piece of bread obviously not having met May May before she didn't know that this would not suffice. May May wanted meat! The girl said no she was having the meat so May May just sat and stared, wasn't long before the girl was handing over the meat! May May thanks you, she really enjoyed that treat.

Ah, these girls look so cute. They were very pleased to have their picture taken with May May.

This lady was from Budapest, Hungary and she was so excited when she seen May May because she left one at home when she went on vacation. She was excitedly telling me many things but I couldn't understand a word! Occasionally her friend would come over and interpret for me but she was just so excited. I hope she had a great trip.

These three gentlemen were from Mexico and were going to see many places in Canada. Wouldn't mind visiting them in the winter!

Maggie bathing herself and just enjoying the sun on the balcony.

Sunday, July 22, 2007

I like this picture of us. Lisa took it. When we were coming home this afternoon I ran into Lisa sitting on the sidewalk holding the cutest little black and white dog. Apparently it had been running loose and nearly got hit several times by several cars. She had already placed a call to animal protective services but the dog was so nervous. As we were sitting there talking these two girls came over and said that they were willing to rescue the dog, they were one of the ones that narrowly avoided hitting him. They are from Hawksbury and have several dogs and couldn't go and leave him not knowing what would happen to him. Thanks ladies hope the dog brings you great joy. Thanks Lisa for stopping to rescue him in the first place. I was so wrapped up about the dog I even forgot to take his picture! Darn.

Went over and had Lisa take our picture. This one is with our sunglasses and May May's hat on. I think we are just adorable! Thanks Lisa

As we left the hill Wayne stopped to see what this quasi pirate was up too. He ended up bouncing balloons! Go figure! I don't ask questions!

One of the girls working on Parliament Hill. She is studying criminology with thoughts of becoming a lawyer. Great career choice.
I thought the other dog was tiny but this one weighed even less. My gosh he was so tiny I held him for quite some time and he was like a feather! The owners were visiting from B.C.

Was sitting and chatting with Wayne out in front of Tim Horton's and all of a sudden this little guy peeked around the poster. He was just so cute!

This guy drives a unicycle around all summer advertising the Renoir exhibit at the Art Gallery. He says he does it for 8 hours a day which seems to be a lot and apparently the seat is not very comfortable! Hope you enjoy the rest of the summer.

Here is Nanna, she had May May standing in a very funny position but of course by the time I took the picture she had wiggled out of it.

Two great girls we met on the Lord Elgin patio, they are both students at Immaculata and enjoying their summer vacation. The girl on the right is heading to Texas this week where she is originally from. Nice meeting you girls you are both great and May May adored you.

This little girl was really impressed with May May so much so that she told me I ever couldn't look after May May she would do it for me. Thank you so much for the offer and so sorry that I am so late posting this.

Here are a group of May May's fans and May May loves the attention.

Saturday, July 14, 2007

Alright all you adults out there take a lesson from Mia on how to enjoy summer. Put on your shades, your crocs, get some yummy watermelon and have someone push you around the city. This girl knows how to live! Good thing May May wasn't with me she would have wanted to share the watermelon. Keep on having fun Mia!

This is a flower that is in my friend Lisa's garden, it is just beautiful.

This is the guy who has the dress shop on Sparks Street "Scruples", he always comes over to say hi to May May.

This couple came over to talk to May May, they are from North Bay and help with an animal shelter there. They were then off to see the cats up at Parliament Hill. Hope you had a good visit.

These two girls were giving surveys and were quite surprised that I came over and volunteered to do a survey. Its a great summer job, out in the nice weather meeting new people. I told them how I used to do surveys back in the 70's for $2 an hour, they didn't say how much they are making but I guess its a bit more than that.

This limo was hanging out across the street from my place. Have no idea why they were here but I would love to go for a ride in it.

Horse drawn buggies.

This is the thank you card I made for the ladies who helped me fence in the balcony so Maggie would be safe. I took a small piece of chicken wire and put it over a picture of Maggie.

Making herself all pretty and clean!

Now how could I possibly get upset with her with a look on her face like that?

Maggie looks as if she is in a thougtful mood, probably plotting how she is going to create trouble later!

Maggie was bathing herself when I got a chance to take a few pictures of her.

Friday, July 06, 2007

I have always wanted to get a picture of this guys hair. That long piece hanging at the back is just one big piece of matted hair. I have seen him for years and it just gets longer and longer.

These girls were from down near Toronto, they were getting tickets to go on a bus tour, that has to be the greatest way to see the city. Seemed to be my day for talking to redheads. Lucky kids I wish I would have had red hair.

These girls were from Virginia near Washington, D.C. Their older sister was here dancing in a competition and they were seeing the sights with their mom. The older girl here hurt her leg jumping on a trampoline. Don't do this at home kids! It was nice meeting all of you, hope you emjoyed Ottawa.

This group of kids were from a photography camp, I couldn't understand why they were taking a picture of inside a garbage can but they explained that they were trying to find beauty in garbage. They were quite the bunch and I hope they learn a lot this summer.

Changing of the Guards marching back to the Drill Hall.

The marching band for the Changing of the Guards returning to the Drill Hall.

The tomb of the unknown soldier at the cenotaph is now being guarded since the incident on New Years when drunken people decided to urinate on the wall. Some people have no respect or thankfulness for what those men and women endured to give us a safe place to live.

Wjile over at Jeanne's house Cokette went down for a sleep and when she woke up she stood in the bedroom doorway and just stared at me for a long time, don't know what was on her mind.

While over at Jeanne's we order a pizza and May May decided to store her pizza crusts on my hat, I guess she thought it looked like a plate!

This girl was busking on the Sparks Street mall when May May wandered over to her. She is trying to save enough money to put out a CD. Good luck to you.
Gosh it took me a long time to put up these last few posts.

This is Hillary, she was the property manager at 240 Sparks and she retired on June 29. Thank you Hillary for all your help and have a great time caring for all those dogs that will come to your kennel. We will miss you

This is Gail from Pharma Plus, she retired from behind the pharmacy counter on June 29. We will miss you Gail, its going take me a while to train someone new. Have a great time with your grandchildren.

This is a fairly new guy that is out panning these days. He sits near McDonalds so he minds May May while I go in to get my coffee. He seems like a very nice guy, I just wish there was more help out there for these kids.