May May is getting a chiropractic treatment from Dr. Dan. Her hip has been bothering her quite a bit, she has fallen a few times off of the wheelchair and her gait has been very slow. After the treatment we walked up to Tim Horton's and she was moving at a great clip, for weeks now I have been telling her to hurry up and stop being a slow poke. Dr. Dan does great work on humans and animals, I will miss him dearly when he retires. The nice young man in the picture is the chiropractor who will probably be taking over the practice. He is from Kirkland Lake well actually Swastika so he can't help but be nice. Lot of memories in Swastika, took the train from there every two years to go to Toronto to have surgery, so some of the memories are painful. I remember when I was 14 they did five surgeries at once and I was in a body cast from just below my breasts covering both my hips and then completely down one leg to the tip of my toe. When I came home from that surgery they had to hold me upright and my poor body was just used to laying down. All the blood would rush to my head, the cast would slip down and put extreme pressure on my body, and I was afraid that they would drop me. Not nice. But other good memories of Swastika were at the dance hall at Culver Park we would go there as teenagers and have a great time. Hope it is warmer tomorrow so I can take May May for a long walk.