Visit with May May as she travels around in downtown Ottawa, meet all her friends both human and canine. Follow the antics of Maggie and Chance as they play at home.
This guy got on the bus the same time I did, it was a very hot day and he wore many layers of clothes and scarfs. It was like he was staring at me all the time but I couldn't tell for sure because he had sunglasses on. Every once in a while he would break out in a little dance while he was listening to his walkman.
Well doesn't Maggie look smug? And so she should. Right where she is resting there used to be a ceramic dog that I had made like 25 years ago when I had my ceramic studio. I worked so hard on that dog, it was air brushed and looked just like the dog I had when I was a teenager. Maggie decide she wanted to sit on that high perch to look over her kingdom and down the dog came in hundreds of pieces with no chance of repair. GRRR!!! What next is she going to do?
This is Darcy. Every couple of days we meet up with him while he is having a bit of a rest from biking. I don't even notice him and then all of a sudden I hear, "There's May May"! So glad to stop and talk to you all the time Darcy.
This is Darcy, his dad, and May May.
Ah, May may is happy now. Cara is rubbing her belly. May May would lie there for hours if you would keep rubbing her belly. She is so spoiled by everyone.
Cara and May May.
This is Cara with May May and Cokette, she is so good dividing her time between them.
Well here I am with Lorraine playing crib, good thing there was no alcohol involved because we couldn't remember the rules and we were quite giddy! Thanks Lorraine for asking us out for the day and thank you Mitzi for the ride. I had a great time.
Lorraine had taken a short holiday at a provincial park and invited Mitzi and I up for the day. We had a great time. We decided to play some crib, here is Lorraine and Mitzi.
Another picture of Sarah and Callie. Isn't she just so cute!
While at a provincial park, this little girl was with her family and they were packing up to leave when she noticed Callie. She came over to play with her for a bit and then didn't want to leave! Her name is Sarah.
May May was so happy she finally met Max, he is the anchor for the evening news on CJOH and a great worker for charities. He was with the Children's wish fund playing with some kids when he stopped to have his picture taken with May May. He reminds me so much of my brother. Thank you Max!
Met these girls on the mall and asked if they were going to a party because they were looking so good, but no they just dress this way all the time. Really love your style girls! Their independant styles match May May's attitude.
This is Roxie and she lives in the same building as me. She is just a young little thing and is always ready to jump up and give me a kiss.
This is Mikala and she lives down the hall from me and she just loves May May. Coming home one night we met up with her and her parents coming back from the grocery store and I let her walk May May the rest of the way home. She was so proud and took the responsibility very seriously. This little girl always has a smile and a laugh, she is just wonderful.
This is Taylor and she had a great time talking to May May.
These two girls were trying on historical hats on Parliament Hill, I wanted to take them home but the guy in the background wouldn't let me.
This poor statue on Parliament Hill always has a bird on top of it.
On Sat. was up on the hill to watch some of the protesters and I took a few pictures .
Wednesday, July 19, 2006
One of the young ladies we were talking to decided I should have my picture taken with May May. It was a very good idea because I think this is the first one of us together this year. Thank you!
These lovely young ladies were having a chat on the mall and decided to include us. May May was hunting under their bench for dropped food but couldn't find any so settled for a scratch and petting instead. Nice meeting you girls!
This guy was advertising a french play that portrays Canada's history. What a beautiful costume.